Free Cooking Class: Plant-Based Meals for Spring

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., join Deb Czech for a free, hands-on, plant-based cooking class featuring the flavors of spring, hosted by Saratoga Springs (NY) Public Library.

Celebrate the arrival of the growing season with this hands-on class where you will combine fresh fruits and vegetables with other wholesome food, topped with flavorful dressings and sauces. Participants will be able to sample the dishes they prepare in the class!

Fast and tasty, the flavors and recipes for this class will draw on global culinary traditions. Explore new ingredients and learn a bit about plant-based nutrition as well.

REGISTER HERE on the library’s website for this 90-minute, interactive plant-based cooking and nutrition class.