Learn About Plant-Based Eating & Cooking


Harnessing the positive nutritional power of plants and eliminating animal-based food can be life-changing

There is a growing body of knowledge about how plant-based eating helps people become healthier by reducing and (sometimes eliminating) the impact of chronic diseases. From inspirational and informative movies about the benefits of whole food, plant-based eating to nutrition research and medical expertise about plant-based diets, these stories of wellness are increasing. Even people who are already in good health and switch to plant-based eating usually notice increased energy levels, less inflammation and body aches, fewer colds and minor sickness, healthier skin, and increased athletic performance.

Healthier food options can be enjoyed both at home and away

Plant-based and vegan products are increasingly available in grocery and other retail outlets, though it still can be challenging to eat out and travel easily without doing some homework ahead of time. Slowly but surely, traditional restaurants, caterers, and other food service locations are realizing that they can attract more customers by adding plant-based food to their menus. Many customers are looking for healthier options, whether they are 100% plant-based or not.

Start your plant-based journey by learning to cook with plant ingredients, from scratch as much as possible. To be successful and realize the full health benefits of a plant-based diet, it’s very important to focus on eating “whole” (non-processed) plant-based food. Avoid purchasing vegan packaged food made with lots of additives, including fat, sugar, and salt. For example, french fries and Oreos are vegan, but they aren’t healthy.

Check out our plant-based recipes on this site and use internet search engines to find additional plant-based or vegan recipes.

Need help? Get in touch via our Contact page and sign up for our plant-based cooking and nutrition classes to stay up to date on all the latest plant-based trends and developments.